Suffering in Ourselves, Suffering in Other


July 26, 2011. 122-minute dharma talk with Thich Nhat Hanh from Upper Hamlet, Plum Village, France. The sangha is in the annual Summer Opening Retreat and this is a Question and Answer session.

Questions asked:
1) Why are my parents separated?
2) How do I recognize the Buddha in myself and in others?
3) How did Thay practice so that he could be so wise and smart?
4) Why do we have homework?
5) How can I regain trust in someone who has hurt me, especially when that person is someone I love a lot?
6) How can we Norwegians respond to the recent killings in our country?
7) What is the best way to regain a sense of mindfulness after years of conditioning with cell phones, internet, and other things that destroy our humanity? How does a technologically trained person get back to finding the True Way? And is there a place for all of this digital noise in that quest?
8) Is it true that hate is not possible, due to the interbeing of all things in the universe?
9) How can we support human rights in our countries, when many governments seem to act against them?
10) How can I deal with sudden hostility after a divorce, now that communication is blocked?
11) Please help in the case of addiction: what to do when strong craving comes?

The talk was given in English and is available below. There is a video version available too.

By Chan Niem Hy

Dharma Teacher.

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